Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 40: Few things make me happier than a really solid interview.

I don't know what it is, but I just get really genuinely happy after I have a great interview with a source.  I think a lot of it has to do with that feeling of connecting with new people on such a personal level - getting to hear their stories, listening to them get excited about something, interacting with them when you might never have done so otherwise... These concert previews I've been doing for MOVE have yet to get old. Plus, when an interview is really great, I can write a great story. And then I'm even more excited.

I don't know, yo. I'm just all about this journalistic life.

A song from the artist I interviewed today, Shannon Labrie. I can dig it.

Lesson learned: few things make me happier than a really solid interview.

And on a completely unrelated note, I was absolutely exhausted while doing my econ reading 15 minutes ago. Now I'm wide awake. It's 3:30 a.m... If my life consisted of fun things like blogging all the time, I'm pretty sure I would never actually need sleep.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 39: Busy isn't bad.

So this semester is absolute insanity and I pretty much spend my time doing homework, working at the Maneater, eating and sleeping, but I'm finding I'm kind of okay with that. There's never a dull moment, that's for sure... Plus, I'm slowly getting better at knowing when I deserve a study break. Watching an episode of Spongebob or going to Comedy Wars with the boys can do wonders after a long day.

The Violet Hour - The Civil Wars
I realized today that this is probably one of the best study songs ever.
And it's just a really great song in general.
(Let's all take a moment to appreciate the person who wrote "Sorry, I can't find the lyrics" in the description box of an instrumental video...)

Lesson learned: busy isn't bad.

Also, if you know how to get rid of a Mac virus, hmu. I say this with complete sincerity. A word to the wise - don't use the too-good-to-be-true website that a friend says you can use to live-stream hockey games for free...

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 38: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

After a fantastic weekend (like, I saw Ed Sheeran live in Kansas City fantastic), today was bound to be awful. Why I didn't see it coming, I'm not sure.

So today:

I was unbelievably exhausted from two late nights making two hour drives back to school. I had to get a new student ID after losing my original one on Friday night, and then the new ID decided not to let me into my res hall or my room or let me get food. My phone also randomly hooked up to my mom's and all of the texts meant for me ended up being sent to her phone (what even...?). And, of course, on the day that I had about five million things to do, trying to fix both my ID and my phone took forever. Then the guy I was supposed to interview for my story due Wednesday double-booked our interview time, cancelled on me and then never followed through with a rescheduled time. Awesome.

On the bright side, the Coyotes beat the Wild tonight. And the text conversation that I had with this really cute, sweet guy today made me ever so slightly happier. So yay?


Lesson learned: every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

(Also, shoutout to Sir Isaac Newton. Woot woot.)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 37: Nothing beats the newsroom.

I'm hopelessly behind on schoolwork now and I'm feeling ridiculously overwhelmed, but somehow spending five hours at the Maneater offices this evening makes it feel worth it. I've missed the chaos and the camaraderie that only comes with a journalistic staff.

I mean, seriously - there are not many places where I can get away with singing every word to this song without being judged... Tonight, I couldn't get away with singing it without being joined. By college boys, mind you. 
(On a side note, I actually can't handle 1D's faces staring back at me in this video.)

I also haven't slept more than five or six hours a night in about a week and I just picked up a pitch for the magazine even though I'm pretty positive I can't handle the extra workload that that entails, but it's cool. I'm happy. For now.

Lesson learned: Nothing beats the newsroom.