Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 37: Nothing beats the newsroom.

I'm hopelessly behind on schoolwork now and I'm feeling ridiculously overwhelmed, but somehow spending five hours at the Maneater offices this evening makes it feel worth it. I've missed the chaos and the camaraderie that only comes with a journalistic staff.

I mean, seriously - there are not many places where I can get away with singing every word to this song without being judged... Tonight, I couldn't get away with singing it without being joined. By college boys, mind you. 
(On a side note, I actually can't handle 1D's faces staring back at me in this video.)

I also haven't slept more than five or six hours a night in about a week and I just picked up a pitch for the magazine even though I'm pretty positive I can't handle the extra workload that that entails, but it's cool. I'm happy. For now.

Lesson learned: Nothing beats the newsroom.

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