Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 11: How to make people at the airport think you're famous.

Wear the whole beanie/hipster sweatshirt/skinny jeans combo, bring your guitar as a carry on, and buy a Venti Starbucks drink. And have a friend do the same and walk around with you.

But really I can't count how many times I heard "Are you guys in a band?!" today.

How to make people at the airport think you're famous? Lesson learned.

And, on a side note, ERHMAGERD I'M HOME I'M HOME I'M HOME.


  1. Isn't the warmth amazing!?!?! (It's probably much warmer where you are, but I'm wearing flip flops in 60 degree weather... and loving it!)

    1. Haha oh 60 degrees... It's topped 80 here. :/ That said, I'm loving the warmth! So. Different. From. Columbia!
