Friday, November 9, 2012

Day 5: Don't be afraid to shake up your routine.

I feel like when I started at Mizzou, everything was new and exciting and, each day, I woke up with this complete and total readiness for whatever the day held for me. But as the year has progressed, I've fallen into a sort of rut. I do the same things everyday, follow the same routines, walk the same routes to my classes... I even eat the same foods half of the time. (Really though. Don't get me started on how much I've eaten at The Shack lately.)

So this morning I decided to shake it up a little bit by walking a completely different way to my stats class. Even just making that little change put me in a significantly better mood.

Since then my day has been kind of unintentionally different from the norm. I got the chance to intern at MOVE magazine this evening, and the whole experience was new and just really fun and interesting. I learned a lot about the editing process and what goes on behind the pitch emails and late production nights, which, as dorky as it sounds, I find really cool.

Now? My roommate and I just completely rearranged our room for the hell of it. There's a ton more space and the new setup is actually really refreshing. Definitely a change for the better.

Lesson learned: Don't be afraid to shake up your routine.

Check out our awesome dorm room. It's as awesome as a dorm room can be, anyway.

Also, let's completely ignore the fact that I ate at The Shack again tonight...

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